Perspective…its all in how you see it

I am often asked how I can see the “bright” side of circumstances or people all the time. The key? I look at them from a 30,000 foot view. Being a Flight Attendant has taught me to look at everything from 30,000 feet in the air. When you look down on people, places, things, circumstances usually you can see the whole picture. That’s how I look at the world. You say, “Well, yeah, Corinne, I am not a Flight Attendant and I rarely fly, so how do I do that?” 

Imagine that you are flying high above in the air. Close your eyes if you must in order to block out what you see. Once you are “30,000 feet” above, look down on your situation. Ask yourself, “Will this matter in a year? Five years? a decade? Will this matter tomorrow?” Breath deeply and list things for which you are grateful. 

It’s been said “one can’t see the forest because of the trees”. This is true in that if you are so focused on the tree (obstacle) directly in front of you, you can’t see the bigger picture (forest). When we are only looking at our issues and problems, we see frayed knots all tangled up in a big mess. But when we look down on it, we can see the whole kit and kaboodle: we see a beautiful tapestry being woven into a intricate pattern of love, life, peace, and joy. 

Many times I have to get away in my mind to see things clearly and wholly. I close my eyes and imagine it’s a year from now. And when I can’t see things from 30,000 feet above, I go higher! When your life is full of storms and clouds, there is a place above the clouds and storms where all there is, is sunshine. Go there, even if only in your imagination. 

Each morning I pray to see people, places, and circumstances through God’s eyes. If it’s a hectic day, I ask this more than once and sometimes often during the day. This gives great perspective on the challenge I’m facing that moment; whether it be dealing with a person, stressful situation, challenging circumstance or all three! 

I pray that your day is bright, sunny, and full of proper perspective!

Love and laughter,




About Corinne Derenburger

Married, mother of 5 fabulous kids & grandmom of 1, Certified Life Purpose& Career coach, Founder & Chief Visioneer of Ryans Ranch International, Flight Attendant, Published Author & Conference Speaker
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